Monday, April 11, 2011

Hwk 44

Comments to Others:
To Michelle:
In India the male role throughout birth seems to be very distant from the mother because of the societal norms they have of Purdah. Pregnant females in India are more likely to refer to their mother, sister, or sister in law because they feel more comfortable discussing such a topic with them. Male doctors are not highly preferred because many women prefer to make more modest gestures.

I like the evidence you presented throughout your paper. The quotes you used really flowed into what you were trying to say. You looked at birth in India from a number of different angles; you didn’t base your whole paper on the male role during pregnancy in India but opened it up by applying the societal norms they have in such a case.

This project matters to me because I can connect to it in many ways. Being a Pakistani American I am forced to keep my religious and cultural values in mind while living in an environment which goes against them. Much of what you presented in your paper applies to many countries in the Middle East and Pakistan as well. This was a nice way for you to share how practices revolving around birth are not always the same as they are in the United States.

Your paper would have flowed even better if you had proof read it, but other than that good job!

Amber M.

To Larche:
Being unable to conceive causes the woman to feel as if she has no place in her society; she is constantly reminded of this by the disapproval of others. Even though this is a common case worldwide, much of the public doesn’t seem to approve the fact that it is not in the hands of the infertile woman for not having the ability to conceive.

Even though your project was short, it was really concise. You nailed down a number of interesting facts about our society today and how we behave in a negative manner towards others for no reason at all. The evidence you provided from different texts helped me realize that these are the bitter facts we need to face. It made me question what needs to be done in order to prevent this from spreading onto future generations.

Your project is important to me because is seems to prove that women need a slight imperfection in order to be referred to negatively. Why is this? I am sure that if a male had problems with impregnating a woman he wouldn’t be considered lacking much of anything. After reading through your project I was able to refer to a Pakistani drama I used to watch. In this drama a man married a woman, but failed to impregnate her. When his family noticed that his wife wasn’t becoming pregnant, they blamed it all on her for not being able to have a child. This was all done while they forced the man to marry another girl. I thought this connected to what you did your project on because women are always blamed for their slight imperfections, whereas men are always sugar coated to hide their imperfections.

I enjoyed reading your paper; I would have loved it if you added more to it. Nice work.

Amber M.

To Beatrice:
Planned Parenthood helps to serve many by offering services such as reproductive health, child and adult health services. Many are against this because they claim that their money is being used for abortions; what they don’t understand is that only five percent of the services provided deal with abortions.

I enjoyed reading about you taking a part of a rally which supported Planned Parenthood. You seemed to be really enthusiastic while supporting them. You provided rich evidence which helped me understand why this matters to you so much. I also liked the video which went along with your project; the slight imperfections in everyone’s role were able to add a nice touch.

Your project matters to many others and I because we are all human. We are prone to making mistakes; in return we need to have access to sanctuaries which will comfort us and help us in solving our problems. Planned Parenthood is a perfect example.

Amber M.
Comments from Others :

From Shahana (Mentor):
Nice job with this paper. You had told me a couple of times about the birth unit, finally I got the chance to see what you had been doing. I thought the topic you choose to write about is really interesting. I feel that the type of birth a mother has, has nothing to do with the type of love bond she has with her child. I felt like you did a good job of getting this point across in your conclusion. I liked the fact that you didn't seem to choose a side while writing this paper; you are right, there is no right answer. You used this as a chance to present a common argument which has no reason to be much of concern because it won't make much of a difference.

I would have liked it if you had done personal interviews with mothers who have had both experiences to use as part of your evidence. Otherwise your paper was focused on an interesting aspect of birth and pregnancy.


From Nabil (Protege):
Your paper was really insightful. I haven't really studied anything about birth and pregnancy, but after reading this I was able to learn a lot; I wasn't well aware of the claim you based your paper on. I thought that a C-section and a vaginal birth were only different because of their procedures, but now I realized that it can help consider the type of bond a mother has with her baby.

I liked how you described the two hormones which are referred to throughout your paper. I was able to refer back to them many times. All of the quotes you used from others helped me consider their thoughts on this.

"Which type of birth promises the mother-to-be with an affectionate love bond between her and her child? As said before, there is no real answer to such a question. It all depends on the mother herself, and what she feels is right for her and her baby." I agree with you, if there was a right answer to this question only one procedure would be used for delivering a child. The mother is the only one in this situation who can layout her choices and choose what she thinks is best.


From Martyna:
Amber! You researched and investigated how a type of birth affects the bonding of a mother and her baby and included a lot of interesting quotes from various sources.

I appreciate how much work you must have put into your project. You used a lot of very interesting information and interpreted it in a way which matches your subject. I like the fact that you had a clearly stated thesis and supported it very well throughout your writing.

Your project is important to me, because I am very interested in the different ways bonding can be affected. My mom always tells me that the most beautiful moments of her life were when she held me and my brother for the first time. Your project makes me wonder if my mom's experience would have been the same if she had a cesarean section.
Great work!


From Michelle:

The bond between mother and child some say differ whether have had a c-section or a vaginal birth but some say it is even before give birth that they feel this bond. So you decided investigate this topic more deeply. A topic I had never heard of before but that many can connect to because they have been the result of a pregnancy. It made me think of my own birth and wonder what this project mean to it because I was a C-section does that my mother doesn't same bond if I would have been born vaginally? But after reading your project and from the bond I have with my mother, it doesn't affect whether was born through a C-section, like the opinion some of the woman you found research on said. But then again if I had been born vaginally, I most likely would not be here today because my mom did not dilate enough and I had the umbilical cord around my head. Only thing you could have done to make post perfect is after quotes you used was to analyze them more to support what your main argument but nonetheless good job!

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