Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hwk 41

Calvette, Mayra. "The bond between mother and baby." Gisele's Blog. 06/may/2010. Web. 30 Mar 2011.

The author of this blog post, Mayra Calvette talks to her readers about the attachment a mother has with her baby. Some women say that they feel another being within them before they have conceived. And this attachment tends to grow more and more during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. She recommends that babies stay with their mothers after the mother has given birth. This is the best time out of all for the mother to gain love from the baby and give it love as well. This is all likely to happen in a “normal birth” since the baby is still attached to its mother (via umbilical cord).

Hagensen, Jody. "Reasons Mothers Love Their Children." ehow. N.p., 25/Feb/2011. Web. 30 Mar 2011.

This article discusses the different aspects of why a mother loves her child(ren). The best way for a mother to love her child is to start off with a loving relationship with the father of the child. By building this strong relationship with the father, both the mother and father are able to nurture and care for the baby properly. Breastfeeding is a chance for the mother and baby to build a strong bond. During this time the mothers’ body is releasing oxytocin and prolactin. Skin to skin contact is another way for the mother and baby to gain a stronger attachment.

Radowitz, John. "C-section 'weakens mother's bond with her child' ." (2008): n. pag. Web. 30 Mar 2011.

In this article, the author discusses a study done with twelve American women who are expecting for the first time. Six of these women gave a vaginal birth while the other six had a C-section. A couple of weeks after the delivery, these 12 women underwent FMRI scans when listening to the recorded sounds of their crying babies. The scans revealed that the women who gave birth naturally had regions within their brain that were highly activated when hearing the sounds of their baby. This tends to prove some mothers that women who give birth naturally are prone to having a stronger attachment with their baby.

"7 WAYS TO BOND WITH YOUR PREBORN BABY ." n. pag. Web. 30 Mar 2011.

This page provides the mother to be with seven ways to bond with her preborn baby. While listing the seven precautions, it explains how each precaution may take effect with the mother and her baby. The mother to be is in charge of what her preborn baby hears, senses, thinks, etc…Depending on how she uses these precautions, the mother to be can almost alter her bond with her preborn baby, which will definitely make an impact on how she bonds with her baby after she has given birth.

Rumler, Tawny. " Cesarean Section: You CAN Bond with Your Baby." Web. 30 Mar 2011.

The author of this article claims that it doesn’t matter whether a mother gives birth naturally or has a C-section; the bond between her and her baby will not change at all. She goes through different reasons to try to prove such a claim true. For example, the baby stays within its mother’s womb for a total of nine months. Within these nine months, the baby will get used to the sounds of its mother, which will help it grow accustomed to its mother and her behavior. The author claims that only the mother can affect the bond between her and her baby; the way the baby is delivered plays no factor in how a mother bonds with her baby.

After gathering most of my research, I am sure I will be writing an academic paper on the topic I chose. My goal while writing my paper is to answer a variety of questions instead of one question in specific. At first I will present my reader with the scientific information needed to be understood in order to fully grasp what will be discussed further along in my paper. Then I will present my reader with the evidence I have just found, which will support my thesis. I will also bring in evidence from the book I have read, the documentary we viewed in class, and the interviews I took a part of. Later on I will include a counterargument which I will prove against using more evidence. Lastly, I will conclude by summarizing to the reader why my thesis is proven to be correct.

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