Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hwk 25

1. Americans are usually known for having the ability to live the “American dream”, but this dream falls short. Why? You ask? Well this has to do with the American health care system. When compared to other countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Cuba, the American health care system doesn’t do much good for its people. If you don’t have healthcare while living as an American citizen, you are pretty much what they call "screwed" the next time you or a family member become ill. American Individuals who do not have health care are constantly denied help because their bodies have become diseased; which makes some believe that they are of no use to live any longer. By focusing on American health insurance and its pharmaceutical industry, Michael Moore conveys to his viewers the negative effects of the for-profit non-universal health care system the United States follows and compares it to the positive effects of the non-profit universal health care system many other countries follow.

2. Argument: Moore argues that the United States should make a transition from for- profit non-universal healthcare to non-profit universal healthcare.

a1. The United States is listed number 37 for health care. Countries such as France Canada and England are listed before us.

a2. An elderly man is forced to clean a supermarket because this is the only way he will receive health care.

b1. This piece of evidence definitely supports Moore’s argument. It proves that America is not considered to be the best when it comes to healthcare. If the United States were to follow a non-profit universal health care system, I am sure we would move towards the top. Because we have health care based on HMOs which make profit, we fall behind countries that don’t have HMOs. Equality is the main purpose for universal healthcare, it doesn’t matter what role one may play in society. No matter what condition one may be in, they are worthy of being treated and given health care to.

b2. It was surprising to see how much one will do to get health care. Moore uses the example of a man going on to his 80s working in a supermarket; mopping floors and cleaning the toilets. The only reason he is commited to this job is because he receives the benefit of healthcare from his employer. Moore chooses to show this to his viewers so they can compare the treatment of individuals living in the US to those living in countries that have universal healthcare. By doing so they will realize that there are many Americans who are forced to make sacrifices in order to receive health care; even if they may be about to turn 80 years old.

d. In Sicko Moore claimed that America is listed number 37 , behind Canada, France and England when it comes to the worlds ranking of health care systems. This statement is true; when referring to sources such as:
All these sites prove Moore’s statement correct. In the year of 2000, the WHO (World Health Organization) ranked The United States as number 37 for their health care system. France England and Canada were numbered before us.

3. I was pretty shocked when families living in the United States shared their stories about not having health insurance and being denied healthcare. Nobody should have the right to place a price on someone in need. When it comes to healthcare everyone should be a valid candidate. If you are living, you should receive healthcare, no matter what condition they may be in. When Moore travelled to countries such as Canada and France, people thought that he was a joke. They had the right reason to laugh at him; I am sure I would have laughed if I were to be a citizen of one of those countries. I think it was really shocking to see how many problems one can face living without access to healthcare.

I feel that it's wrong for the citizens of America to be treated like this. Healthcare should never be a topic worth debating about. Healthcare should be provided to everyone; without any questions or concerns. We definitely as a country need a whole lot of catching up to do. Many people assume that America has many benefits, but this is only to some extent. Watching Sicko made me want to move to France. Everyone in France was treated with first class health care. We as Americans should be offended by having a price put on us. This is totally absurd, we have modernized technology, yet we haven’t made enough effort to make healthcare available to all.

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